Researching other local groups and experts now.

As a means to sharing  the experiences of other groups, so that we may all learn from each other, I am presently interviewing core members from groups around the UK to discover what works, what doesn't and any other fantastic tips that they can share. The aim of doing this is so that the myriad of groups who are responding to our planetary crises at the local level do not have to keep re-inventing the wheel or falling into holes that others have already had to climb out of! The more that we can connect and learn from/with each other, the stronger and more effective we will be.

If you have been involved at a foundational  level with a locally responding community or group, would you be willing to be interviewed by me to share your experience? If so, please fill out the contact form and let me know briefly:

  1. Which group(s) you have been working with and what sort of experience you have?
  2. What days or times you might be free to chat?

I will then contact you to suggest possible times and ways that we might connect.
Thank you.

Are you part of a local group and willing to share your experience?

Jem Friar author

About Jem – the website creator

I am a health, well-being and resilience coach, a therapist and an author. Beyond all of these labels I am also a concerned citizen of Planet Earth.
In my 20’s and 30’s I spent 14 years of my life travelling around this incredibly awe inspiring planet and was blessed to see some stunningly beautiful places, to be touched by nature in a profound way, to meet many amazing, generous and wonderful people and to experience their diverse and rich cultures. In the past decade, the threats to both this beautiful biosphere and to many of my human family around the planet has become more and more apparent. Both are too close to my heart to ignore or deny.
In 2019, I finally discovered a level of action in response to our emergency that was incredibly effective and valuable. That level, was to respond at a local level, working with the community that you live with and are near to. I had the opportunity to be part of the foundation climate emergency response group of the town that I lived in, as well as several other local communities and groups. In each case, I have been inspired by the changes and the momentum that have been possible. As a result, I am creating this website and a handbook to enable other groups to make this transition more easily and to respond appropriately to the crises that we find ourselves in.